Hi there- lovely to ‘meet’ you…

I’m Dana, and Integrative Life Coach and Intuitive Advisor. I show up fully and am dedicated to helping my clients transform their lives.

My clients learn to move through their blocks (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual.) They clear the “clutter” from every aspect of their lives creating space to become the happy, healthy, whole, version of themselves they’d lost connection with.

If you’re looking for a listening and accountability partner who is heart-centered, wise, easy to connect with, compassionate, a bit woo with a bunch of common sense, you’ve found me.

I believe that walls can talk (so to speak) and that our space and belongings hold energy that can support or suppress us. I also know that your surroundings are an expression of you, whether you realize it or not.

I embrace and encourage flow. By moving energy, clearing clutter, changing mindset, feeling feelings, and creating space to breathe, you are able dream, grow, bloom and become.

I believe there’s enough for everyone. Enough opportunity, money, clients, dreams, soulmates, frequent flyer miles...We’re all meant to shine. We’re all lovable, brilliant, and beautiful. Sometimes we just need someone to stand behind us and tell us what they see in the mirror, in our reflection.

My super power is the ability to move clients from cluttered to clear- with the unparalleled ability to hold space. This allows you to find the clarity, confidence and motivation to live your most joyful and intentional life.

True, sustainable transformation is multi-dimensional. It’s all energy and it’s all energy work. My clients receive the benefits of the other modalities that I practice; Spiritual Coaching, Feng Shui, Reiki, Space Clearing, Breathwork, and Kundalini Yoga.

Are you ready to live your life with intention, reverence, excitement, wonder and passion? I’d be honored to help you dissolve whatever may be blocking you from living your best life. Let’s get started!

Why I show up:

I value compassion, kindness and an open heart.

I have great respect for vulnerability and willingness to heal.

I’m inspired by those who KNOW they can live a life filled with purpose and joy and who are DETERMINED to do so.

I am honored to hold space for my clients, many of whom have never felt heard, listened to, or seen until, we worked together.

I love helping people identify what’s holding them back and to clear it out, once and for all!

I believe there are many ways to get to the bottom of an issue, and I believe laughter, movement, fun, shifting energy and basking in the light are a few of them!

It’s my greatest joy to witness the AHA moments, the clarity, the enlightenment, the empowerment- the “I’m the only ME, the very best ME, the ME that is MEant to shine and live loud and with passion!”


Dana is incredibly gifted with the ability to sense exactly what you need and when you need it. After having a tarot/energy reading, she talked about my needs during this time of transition. After decluttering and rearranging, my office now is a room that combines the needs of my business and creative space - I actually want to spend time in here now and can’t wait to see how this helps me better serve my clients.
— Liz P. Plano, TX